Oh dear! Haven't blogged for ages. Today the obsession of voucher codes has overtaken me. I managed to do a piece of art too today. I was getting a bit anxious so that calmed me down somewhat.
I've been using voucher codes for a while now and had one on the back of a postcard that I had left in a pile at the Parallax Art Fair.
However today I have been trying to find out if there is anywhere online that I can give out my voucher codes to entice new buyers.
So I found that there is voucherhub.com and http://etsycouponcode.com/. The latter seems the best. But I'll wait and see what happens.
I also came across Heartsy, a shop, a bit like Groupon, who do daily deals for discount prices. It seems to be good for advertising and sales if you get on it, although your profitability takes a bit of a knock. I'm going to try Heartsy at some point. But think it would make more sense when I have a few more items in stock and can offer 150 vouchers.