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Sunday, 24 October 2010

Operation Competition

It's all very well making work, putting it in my shop, but my limited range of facebook pals don't neccessarily like or want to purchase my artwork.
I like to believe that this is because I'm the only one who gets it, so I can wallow in my own misery and depression and never have life be any different, if only to perpetuate the vicious circle of pychological misery that makes me feel more creative in the first place!
However it could just be that I'm not hanging around in the right circles.

So Step 1 in getting my name out there, circulating among the masses, is to hold a competition. I have listed this on theprizefinder.com , loquax.co.uk and UK competitions. I'm not sure if UK competitions have listed it actually but who cares. Here is a link below to win the picture above.


So this has been working nicely, with a steady stream of entrants building up a mailing list for me, and also increasing my 'likes' on my facebook fan page, due to the nature of the competition question.

However, although never a bad thing to get one's name about, I'm not sure if these are the right type of people as they could just be people who want things for free. So Step 2 in the next blog.

New silk work on Etsy

It's so difficult to remember to blog everytime I do something new, but I'm trying to keep a record of my antics, so although this is a bit belated, I updated my shop with some new silk work.

Sometimes I think that I shall, somehow, just become rich from the ideas in my head, or sketchbook. So it is good to get them out there in some saleable format if only to raise some money to get some more materials and/or survive to create some more.

But I need to work on my customer base.

Monday, 4 October 2010

BP Portrait Award 2011 at the National Portrait Gallery

I've got a great idea for a portrait for the BP Portrait Award 2011 at the National Portrait Gallery. But it's going to stay under wraps for a while. I've taken some initial photographs which are also going to remain secret. But I'm writing this now so I can come back later and put some photos here.

Meanwhile you can entertain yourself with this year's entrants and take a bet as to whether or not I'll get in.

58 works were selected from 2177 entrants in 2010, so this is just over two and a half per cent. Tricky.
